Fund code: 7855

  • NAV $8.80 -$0.09 / -1.05%
  • Inception 23-Jan-2025
  • Benchmark Russell 1000 Index
  • Aggregate assets
    (all series)
  • Distributions Annually
  • Also available through ETF Series CDN$, ETF Series US$ and Trust US$
  • Get Fund Facts

In accordance with National Instrument 81-102, performance cannot be shown until one year after a fund's inception.

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Calendar returns

In accordance with National Instrument 81-102, performance cannot be shown until one year after a fund's inception.

Standard period returns

In accordance with National Instrument 81-102, performance cannot be shown until one year after a fund's inception.

Why invest in this fund?

  • Aims to achieve long-term capital growth by investing primarily in equity securities of U.S. companies.
  • Uses investment insights generated by Fidelity’s fundamental research analysts and implemented through quantitative techniques.
  • Focus on risk and returns from stock selection through systematic portfolio construction.

Risk measures

Risk measures cannot be calculated on funds that are less than three years old. This fund does not yet meet the required criteria.

Risk classification

  1. Low
  2. Low to medium
  3. Medium
  4. Medium to high
  5. High

This fund has a medium volatility rating