Person icon

Your details

0 years old

This may include registered and non-registered savings.
Please exclude final defined benefit pensions here.


Everything you’re saving for retirement, including registered (such as Registered Retirement Savings Plan and Tax-Free Savings Account) and non-registered savings. We assume that you will increase your monthly savings contributions by 3% every year, in line with salary growth.

Other icon

Other income

Please provide an indication as a percentage of your current income.

Investment icon

Investment style

0% Government short-term bonds, 25% Fixed income, 75% Equity

This may be appropriate for investors who are prepared to take some risks with their investments in exchange for potentially higher returns than are offered by lower-risk investments and require a balance between lower-risk fixed-interest securities and higher-risk equities.

Government short-term bonds

Fixed income


Lifestyle icon


*The amount of income you think you’ll need to live comfortably in retirement. Express it as a percentage of your current annual earnings. This value is generally less than 100%, since the cost of living after retirement usually goes down.

80% of salary

1 of 5
Assumptions and Methodology