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Your results

If the market performs

Under poor market conditions, an investment style like yours did well in 90% of the scenarios, meaning that your plan results in equal or higher amounts of money nine out of ten times. If you plan for the worst-case scenario and your outcome is positive (i.e., your plan succeeds even when the markets perform poorly), then if the markets perform more favourably, your outcome should also be more favourable.

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On track to have $240,000
Your goal at retirement $200,000
If market performance is average

Market performance can have a big impact on your money. Under average market conditions, an investment style like yours did well in half of the scenarios, but in the other 50% the result was less money. If you base your planning on average market conditions, it comes with the risk that in one out of two times your plan might fail to reach the desired results.

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On track to have $240,000

Poor market conditions

Savings deficit

Average market conditions

If the market performs

Under poor market conditions, an investment style like yours did well in 90% of the scenarios, meaning that your plan results in equal or higher amounts of money nine out of ten times. If you plan for the worst-case scenario and your outcome is positive (i.e., your plan succeeds even when the markets perform poorly), then if the markets perform more favourably, your outcome should also be more favourable.

arrow pointing up
On track to have $240,000
Your goal at retirement $200,000
If market performance is average

Market performance can have a big impact on your money. Under average market conditions, an investment style like yours did well in half of the scenarios, but in the other 50% the result was less money. If you base your planning on average market conditions, it comes with the risk that in one out of two times your plan might fail to reach the desired results.

arrow pointing up
On track to have $240,000

Poor market conditions

Income deficit

Average market conditions

Age Year Average Market Assets Extended Market Assets
Age Year Average Market Assets Extended Market Assets
Retirement age:

The longer you wait to retire, the fewer years you’ll need to support yourself, and the better your chances for potential growth. For example, if you retire at age 65 and you live until age 95, your savings will need to last for 30 years. But if you wait until age 67 to retire, that’s an additional two years of savings, and an additional two years of compound earnings potential. If you choose to retire earlier than 65 when using this calculator, the income calculations will not include your government benefits until age 65. Please select a retirement age of 55-70 in the tool.

68 years

The amount of money you save now has a direct impact on how much you may have when you retire. Are there ways you can find extra money in your budget?

$ monthly
Other income:

The proportion of your salary you expect to get in retirement from a defined benefit pension, rental income or any other source of income you might expect to have.

Investment style:

In general, the more risk involved, the more potential for growth, with corresponding potential for short-term volatility and a decrease in value.

Cautious: This may be appropriate for investors who seek to preserve the nominal value of their investments and are prepared to accept that inflation may erode the value of their investments.

Low risk: This may be appropriate for investors who don’t wish to take significant risks but are still prepared to take some risk with their investments in order to seek higher returns than cash can provide and preserve the “real” or inflation-adjusted value of their investments.

Moderate risk: This may be appropriate for investors who don’t wish to take significant risks with their investments but are still prepared to take some risk with their portfolio in exchange for higher potential returns than are available from cash or very low-risk investments.

Balanced: This may be appropriate for investors who are prepared to take some risks with their investments in exchange for potentially higher returns than are offered by lower-risk investments and require a balance between lower-risk fixed-interest securities and higher-risk equities.

Medium risk: This may be appropriate for investors who are prepared to accept significant risk to the value of their investments in exchange for potentially higher returns than are offered by lower-risk investments but don’t wish to invest wholly in equities.

Higher risk: This may be appropriate for investors who are prepared to accept significant risk in their portfolio in exchange for potentially higher returns than are offered by low- and medium-risk investments and are prepared to invest mostly in equities.

Adventurous: This may be appropriate for investors who are prepared to accept high volatility for their investments in exchange for potentially higher returns than are offered by lower- and medium-risk investments and are prepared to invest only in equities.


How much income do you think you’ll need to live comfortably in retirement? Express it as a percentage of your current annual earnings. This value is generally less than 100%, since the cost of living after retirement usually goes down.